Monday, November 22, 2010

Oh, it's the holidays...

While everything related to driving pisses me off, I think HUMAN traffic patterns are interesting. Office patterns. Interesting how Monday morning of a big holiday week there is virtually no office noise (read - inhabitants) until 9:00 or shortly before. I expect come 4:45 p.m. this Wednesday the place will be dead silent, with the exception of ME.

Interesting weekend. Yelling fights, possible food poisoning, sleeping delusionally for 14 hours Sat/Sunday, jumping into a black abyss artistically. Not really, just that I bought those RAM canvases and have no idea what to do with them. Plus the guy tells me they're closing Dec 18th, not to reopen until March. Excellent. An approaching deadline in the middle of the holidays is exactly what I was looking for.

I'm having a problem because still, the only thing I feel like painting is a vulture. I can't do vultures here b/c I'm doing a separate collection. Also, I think putting prices on them makes me feel daunted. I don't want to think about $ b/c that makes me think that the point of this experiment is to try to SELL, meaning the drive behind a painting should be "what do other people want?" I don't think i'm in a solid enough position to give a crap what other people want right now.


We are finally working on New Year's Eve plans, and Orlando is looking more likely. :) OMG I miss Orlando so much. I thought about going there after Thanksgiving, just on my own, but then I once again didn't get an oil change. Bother. I have this unfortunate mental image though of standing around some club at the midnight countdown amidst my friend (with her bf), and a bunch of guido-esque guys of his I couldn't be less interested in. I don't WANT to find someone I'm interested in, for the record, I just find third-wheeling moments a little trite these days. I shall sip my drink with a blase expression from the balcony.

At art walk, we met this french guy who went on and on about some European big-wig coming down from his castle and escorting all the American tourists over to his place for an after-party in 14 cars. I told J that sounded like a story to me, but she said it's likely for that part of town. All I know is I felt REALLY provincial after that discussion. I am reminded again that I am the only person I know who hasn't been to Europe/Asia/somewhere!! I haven't even been to the west coast of America. I really need to get out more.

I need to get healthy first. You'd think 1.5 months of iron would have done some good. Not according to this weekend.

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