Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dui Le!

I woke up in SUCH a good mood today for the first time in I dunno how long. 12 hours of sleep, so thankfully I feel awake, getting up at 8 to sunny skies and a positive weekend ahead that shall include: Bentos, maybe Mochi, seeing Esa, working on the potato painting, and baking a friend's birthday cake. I *might* even get to bask in the sun if it's warm. *Hopeful!* I am Rapunzel getting a break from her corporate tower.

I had a terrible week but a good night yesterday b/c the parents finally decided to do happy hour with me of their own volition, and for once, no one was depressed. I love Red Elephant! I learned that I suck at happy hour. I just don't get thirsty enough do drink 2 margheritas (sp?). I don't see why you can't get 1/2 price off just one. Anyway, we talked about my grandpa - who's finally having some positivity in his life after 5+ years. I'm so proud of him! His life is like a movie.

He went on a date with this lady who is rich because of her jerk ex-husband, and she seems so sweet. Also, he met this young foreigner who's helping him learn this other language in exchange for help with English, and this guy sounds so nice. Trying to save money to send to his wife and kids back home. I think it's genuine. Sometimes I feel so jaded, I think everything I hear is BS. Sometimes it's hard to believe that some people out there are truly good and selfless.

Painting again has required listening to music, and I'm realizing there are a lot of good songs I found over the last 6 mos. or so.

Arcade Fire - Wake Up This is my favorite.
Prodigy - Spitfire
Lady Antebellum - the one where they go "I neeeed you now." I overlook my no-country rule for that song.
Coheed and Cambria - Welcome Home (the instrumental part)
that Benny and the Jetts song where they go "you know I read it in a magaziinnnneee"
Black Eyed Peas - Imma Be (after a couple times, this is cool and not retarded sounding.)
that Weezer song where they go "Girl! If you're wondering, if I want you too..."
(Is it "too" or "to?")

There was this guy yesterday with those pointy Italian-looking business shoes and parking spot on the second floor. He must make a lot of money, but he can't be over 30. My guess is 28. I don't like it when guys wear pointy business shoes.

Time to paint potato-sky. :)

I need to work on actually learning names of songs.

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